Triad National Security, LLC (Triad) brings world-class expertise in lab management, nuclear operations, national security and scientific research to the National Nuclear Security Administration.


Triad is strongly committed to Los Alamos National Laboratory’s scientific and technological excellence, driving the lab’s culture of operational excellence and ensuring the continued high quality and integrity of its critical national security missions. Triad brings the leadership and organizational structure necessary to implement systematic, enduring culture change, resulting in sustainable performance excellence. 


Triad services include:


Triad is made up of three members: Battelle Memorial Institute, The Texas A&M University System and the University of California.

Collectively, this team brings more than 120 years of national laboratory management and operating experience dedicated to national service which enables Triad to manage and operate Los Alamos National Laboratory for the National Nuclear Security Administration in the best interest of the laboratory and the nation.

Battelle is the world’s largest, independent non-profit R&D organization with experience managing and operating six national laboratories, and demonstrated performance driving operational process improvement and culture change. 

Texas A&M University System leads the nation’s largest nuclear engineering program with a strong focus on industrial partnerships, tech transfer, and high hazard workforce training emphasizing criticality safety. 

University of California has more than 75 years of experience managing and operating national security laboratories, bringing a deep commitment to public service and the national security mission, and providing scientific excellence in national security science, design, and engineering. 


The Triad team includes two integrated subcontractors (Fluor and Huntington Ingalls Industries) and three small business subcontractors (Longenecker & Associates, Merrick-SMSI and TechSource). 

Fluor provides personnel, systems, tools and corporate reachback support for the critical area of capital construction.

Huntington Ingalls Industries provides personnel, systems, tools and corporate reachback in the areas of pit production, plutonium manufacturing, production scale-up and nuclear operations and manufacturing.